Google Classroom Bitmoji Banner

With distance learning taking place, Google Classroom banners have become the rage among teachers. Have you created yours yet?

Google Classroom banner with your celebrity crush.

Believe it or not, this is much simpler than you might think. I have also heard of people making banners for their Canvas classrooms, but I have not tried that.

All you need to do is open a new Google Slides presentation and add a blank page. Then go to page set up under the file tab and customize your page size to 16.67 x 4.17.

Go to Google images and find the background you want. Some work better than others. You need to just play with it. I searched for a “brick wall with floor,” however, you can try to find a wall that is your favorite color. You can copy this image from the internet then, in Slides, click on background and paste your image there. Check your picture to make sure it stretched properly and looks clean. If not, repeat until you find the room that looks just right for you.

I then looked for images on how I wanted my digital classroom to look like. You can put in desks, bookshelves, rugs, lights, your pets, celebrity crushes, deaf art, or anything your heart desires. Once you find the image, download it then go to to upload the image and get rid of the background. Keep adding images until you have the look you want.

Add your bitmoji by getting the Chrome extension. I made 4 different rooms. It took me a few hours only because it is very addictive and you can play with it all day if you are not careful. In my PE classroom, I added a bunch of sports bitmojis, so you can add more than one you if you have “sections” in your classroom.

Once you are satisfied with your classroom, download the image as a .png image file. Go to your classroom and click on “upload” and add the picture. You will need to size it to work. Just know your picture will look darker in Classroom than it does in your slide deck. This is a Google filter.

There is a fix to the dark overlay. If you right-click on the image in Classroom, Select INSPECT. Go down to the bottom, Under “Styles” there is a line that says “background color”. Uncheck that box and it will get rid of the dark overlay. If you can’t click on INSPECT, you will need to contact your IT department and ask why.

If you change or add a banner, I think you will need to do follow the steps above again.

I used this video tutorial the help me the first time I did this.

I hope you have some fun decorating your Google Classroom. I know I did.

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2 Responses

  1. Thank you so much! I had fun doing this and got my daughter who is more tech savvy to help me. Any ideas on how to fake out the Google filter you mentioned? Mine did come out darker than I would have liked. THANKS AGAIN!!!

    1. I messed around with it. I can’t tell you step by step. You can right click the image then on inspect. It is one of the backgrounds. Sorry I can’t help more.

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