Creative ASL Teaching

Creative, Inspiring, and Fresh Ideas for the ASL Classroom

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Hi! I'm Robin

Welcome to Creative ASL Teaching. I have been a Secondary American Sign Language teacher for more than 20 years. Prior to that, I taught elementary school, mainly Kinder and third grade. I live in southern California with my husband (also a teacher), our two children, a feral cat named Lily, and our two Puggles. I have a passion for ASL and feel everyone should learn to communicate with others.

The thought of starting this blog has been with me for quite some time. The idea came to me because of the frustration I have experienced with the lack of resources, materials, and training available to American Sign Language teachers. It is my hope that I can help other teachers by sharing my journey in education, my failures in teaching, and my passion for ASL and Deaf culture.

My goals are to:

  1. Make every teacher and student love to come to class each day.
  2. Save you a lot of prep time and give you your life back.
  3. Introduce you to teaching ideas that will engage students and help them learn the language faster.

I hope you can find inspiration, creativity, and fresh ideas as you read this blog.

How I Can Help You

For Exploring New Ideas

For Planning + Learning

For Sharing Tips and Tricks

Recently From the Blog

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