ASL Games in the Classroom
ASL games in the classroom are like regular games only better. If you love playing games in your classroom or if you are on the opposite spectrum and have no clue how to integrate games during class time, you came to the right place. I am going to tell you why you should play ASL games in your classroom or continue to integrate games as part of your teaching practice. ASL games in the classroom are a wonderfully tricky way to encourage students to memorize vocabulary. Students have fun while playing and before they know it BOOM! Vocabulary is engraved on their brains.
The goal of teaching a language is to get students communicating in that language. Our job as teachers is to make sure we give students the tools they need in order to be successful in the communication process. It is our responsibility to keep students motivated in that process. That is where ASL games in the classroom come into play (enjoy that pun?).
ASL Games in the Classroom Benefits Students
- Banish boredom in the classroom
- Allow for repetition of terms
- Provide opportunities for quick absorption of many words
- Break up the monotony of the school day
- Can often add movement in your classroom
Let’s face it, ASL games provide a learning environment that is student-centered allowing for communication in the target language, discovery, problem-solving, engagement, and analysis of their own knowledge in the learning process. Simply put games are FUN and EDUCATIONAL.
So how do you implement ASL games in the classroom?
Be motivated and hype it up
If you are bored, unmotivated, or are simply uninterested in an activity your students will feed off that. They too will be turned off with the activity. When beginning an ASL game, hype it up. Use bigger signs, bigger gestures, colorful language…however, you explain rules make it enticing. The class tone is set by you the teacher. The entire class environment is feeding off of you. I often play the game myself to show them how fun it is. This isn’t always possible if I have to monitor. However, if it is possible, join in the fun.
Keep it on point
When choosing a game for the class make sure it is applicable to the unit. The reason we play these games in the classroom is to provide the opportunity to review or use repetition of the vocabulary for memorization of terms. Keep vocabulary useful to what you want students to be learning. If you are teaching clothing or food, the game should revolve around the terms used for those topics.
Be encouraging
As students learn, they will inevitably make mistakes and that is OK. I can assure you missing a point in a game or getting the team sent back to zero because of not knowing the meaning of a sign will be a great learning opportunity. A student will never forget that word. How we handle the mistake as a teacher is important. Be encouraging and let students know it’s ok if they mess up, blunder, or completely bomb the task. Let them know it is no big deal. Through mistakes and failure is how we learn.
Provide learning opportunities
If you see common errors happening during game time, seize the teaching moment and correct the errors. After all, that is why we are playing games. Don’t let the students continue to make the error. Students will learn from each other and before you know it they will all be making the same mistake. Let’s say that you are in a game situation and the word is WOMAN. You continue to see students using the sign for MAN. This is a good chance to remind students about the placement of feminine and masculine signs. Games make great review activities too.
Vary the games played
If you only have one or two games in your repertoire, it’s time to shake things up and learn some new games to incorporate into your lessons. The student’s favorite game will become stale and dull if you continue to use it and nothing else. A game should elicit excitement when mentioned. You can use the same set of words in 2 – 3 different games so students get various stimuli. For example, you can play Win, Lose or Draw when learning words for buildings found around the school campus to draw for the visual learner and later use the same terms to play Baseball or Basketball to get the kinesthetic learners up and moving around. Dice games are always good for review and conversations.
Keep all students involved
Whatever games you choose to play try to pick the ones that involve all the students at one time. Often times we play elimination games where students are “out” if they don’t know the answer. If this is the case, try to revamp the game so those “out” has a way back in. This way students are always “on task” and not chatting with their neighbor who is also out of the game. Incorporate ASL games that are small-group or one on one competition so students are always active and learning. Remember your game should have a purpose to provide repetition of vocabulary to all students. Not just the high achieving ones.
Provide rewards
Most of the time an ASL game is rewarding enough and something students look forward to. But students like to know that they are victorious. Offer a small token that can symbolize a student’s bragging rights. Ask parents to donate small prizes like ASL pencils or individually wrapped candy, provide a free homework pass for the victor, or the chance to sit anywhere they want for the day. You can even set up a winner’s circle with a special chair and snacks for the champion. Let them wear a crown! You can offer points to the winner but I try to avoid this practice. I want a student’s grade to reflect their work and what they can do. I want to try to avoid “padding” their grade. That is my personal opinion.
Whatever you choose to do for a reward, whoop it up and give the winner a sense of achievement!
I hope these ideas for using games in the classroom help you have some fun with your students. What are your thoughts about games in the classroom?
Learn more about digital games here.
Learn more about dice games here.
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