There are so many fun activities and games to play during the crazy holiday season. I feel like from Halloween to the New Year there is a lot to cover. There are so many options for a language teacher to choose from.
Here is a list of ideas for you to try in your ASL classroom.
There are so many fun characters that we can use to practice descriptive classifiers. Choose from reindeer or elves. And although they are not a character, candy makes for fun classifier descriptions and can be used to practice shapes, colors, and small details.
The holidays offer great opportunities for students to practice asking and answering questions. In many cases, students can create their own questions. There are a number of ways you can accomplish this.
- Use a cube template to have students write out their own questions. students can play in small groups practicing answering and asking each others’ questions.
- Create a board game with a predetermined set of questions you want students to practice.
Interview Someone from the North Pole
Students can always benefit from practicing asking and answering questions in spontaneous communication. Let students do this in a fun way by letting them create characters and interview each other. Depending on the level, give students time to prep their character and provide questions for them to ask. If they are more advanced, let them come up with the questions on their own. To up the fun game, let the students roll WH question cubes and let them make up their own questions as they go. It is really fun to let them come up with their own holiday elf names. There are a lot of documents online that will help students do this.

Sign a Letter to Santa
Have students create a Christmas or Hanukkah wish list. Have them sign this letter to Santa or their parents and send the letter off (really this is just to your inbox!). Students can share their videos with each other or you can watch them as a class. To check for understanding, partner students up and have them show images of things the student asked for on their list (or draw it if you don’t have devices).
North Pole Bound
Students can work together to plan a trip to the North Pole. Have students talk about the clothing they will pack, the transportation they will use, dates and times, and so much more. It is a great review activity with a touch of fun.
Murder Mysteries, digital breakouts, and Whodunnit games are always a crowd-pleaser. Try coming up with your own games to test your students’ wit or get the premade activities here.
Enjoy this holiday season while giving your students lots of opportunities for output. Happy holidays!
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