Scrambled Egg is another great activity to get students up and out of their desks. You know I can’t resist a good movement activity. So what is this awesome activity and why is it named scrambled egg?
What is this activity?
Scrambled egg is a translation activity. The teacher will create sentence strips in the target language or QR codes with the video or audio file. Students will use the sentence strips with a partner.
Where does the name come from?
This is called scrambled egg because the activity uses plastic Easter eggs to hold the translations. The teacher will create a bunch of sentences, cut them into strips, and place a single sentence strip into an egg. Number each egg so students know which eggs they have checked or use different colored/designed eggs. Place all of the eggs in a basket in the center of the room or in a central location that works for your room. That is all the prep the teacher needs to do. The rest is up to the students.
If you don’t have plastic eggs, you can place the sentence strips into an envelope.
What do students do?
Pair students up. One student is A and one is B. Student A will pick an egg from the center of the room and look at the sentence. Student A will transfer the information on the sentence strip to partner B in the target language, partner B will write the translation down in order. The eggs do not need to be in order.
When to use this activity
This activity works great with any vocabulary but it can also be used with different types of activities you use in the classroom.
- Timelines – Students will translate and sequence the inforamtion. Make sure your eggs are not numbered in the order of the events from the timeline.
- Sequencing events – Students will translate and sequence the events from a story.
- Vocabulary practice – Students will translate the sentences to determine theri understanding of the content from the lesson.
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