I love picto images because they are so versatile and easy to use. You can create one picto image and use it for a plethora of activities. This saves you planning time and gives students lots of repetition of vocabulary.
So what is a picto image?
A picto image is a sheet of paper that has several images on it. The images correlates to your vocabulary or the story you are working on. So if you are working on a story about the Three Pigs, you would have the pigs, straw, wood, brick, and a wolf on the paper (and any other vocabulary from the story like silly, smart). If you are working on a sports unit, you might have images of several different sports on it.
So what can I do with the picto image?
Picto images have several uses. You can create one for a unit and use it in several different ways.
Flyswatter game – project the picto image and have students play the flyswatter game.
Sequence – use the images as a way for students to sequence the story you are telling. Students can draw a line connecting the events or number the images in order.
Create sentences – point to an image and call on a student. Have the student make a sentence using the word.
Chain story – the teacher points to an image and has the student create a sentence like above. Then the teacher will point to another image and call on a different student. That student needs to create a sentence that begins to make a story. Continue this until all the images have been used and you have a story.
Make a story – assign students the task of creating an original story using all of the pictures on the picto image or assign a specific number (if you have 20 images students need to use 10).
So what does a picto image look like?

How can you use the picto image in your classroom?
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