Are you dreading going back to school or are you excited? I am always a mixture of both. I want eternal summer and the hope and excitement of a new school year. One thing I know for sure is that it is very difficult to begin to plan for the new school year so I want to share some ideas for activities that will get you through the first few days of the school year. If you want to learn more about the activites, click on the images.
Why Learn ASL WebQuest
The Why Learn ASL WebQuest is perfect for beginning ASL students. It introduces them to Deaf culture and ASL while allowing you to learn why your students selected ASL as their second language class. Depending on your bell schedule it can be completed in one class period or assigned in smaller chunks over several days.
After Summer Partner Conversations
The After Summer Partner Conversations is best for students who already know ASL and can translate English to ASL. It is low-prep for teachers and interactivie for students. It will get them up and moving, mingling, and using the ASL on day 1! It is a perfect activity to use after a long summer break.
Getting to Know You Hexagon
Using hexagons for higher-level thinking and communication is all the rage in education. The Getting to Know You Hexagon activity is no exception and best of all it is FREE! The teacher creates questions and the students write their answers on the hexagon. Hexagons are placed on the wall where connections are made.
First Day Jitters
First Day Jitters book talk has been my go-to activity for ASL 2 for several years now. It never fails to entertain. It is the perfect way to jump into ASL on the first day of school. While other teachers are boring students with their syllabus talk you can tell an entertaining story and engage your students on day one by teaching and reviewing the language. This includes all of the fun activities you need to get you through several days of planning.
ASL 1 First Day Activities
The ASL 1 First Day Activities packet has something for everyone to get through the first days of ASL 1. These fun activites are just what you need to help plan for the first day or 2 of ASL 1. Use all the activites in one day or spread them out over the first week of school.
First Week Cooperative Activities
The First Week Cooperative Learning Activities is a must for a teachers toolkit. The packet includes 8 cooperative learning activities and icebreakers meant for the first week of a new term. The activities allow students to get to know each other, their school, your syllabus and important key people on campus. These activites can be used with any level.
The 5 Parameters Board Game
The 5 Parameters Board Game is a store favorite and loved by students. It is a great way to start off the year in review with students who already know ASL, levels 2 and up. It adds an element of fun and not doom for your class and sets the tone for a fun learning environemnt for the year.
How will you strat off the school year? I hope these ideas sparked creativity and fresh ideas for you.
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