Defining Your Why
Defining your why is a difficult task. During this point in the academic calendar, I always find the time to stop and reflect on the school year, my career and what I am doing. I don’t like to become complacent or ordinary in the classroom. I find it plain boring to continually do the same thing over and over, year after year. I like to try new things and find success or failure in those attempts.
In the very slowed down days of vacation, I can find the time to be creative – to be inventive – to analyze my ¨why.¨ I feel like the phrase ¨finding your why¨ is such a buzz word right now but I also feel it has a very valid and poignant point in education. So my questions to you are what is your why and what will you do to achieve it? How will you define your why? If you aren’t sure how to answer these questions, this inspiring TED talk by Simon Sinek might help and motivate you.

To help me with my why, what and how of my job, I am have read ¨The Innovator’s Mindset¨ by George Couros. After I read a few pages, I already knew this guy gets me.
So why did you become a teacher?
I became a teacher to inspire others to learn about Deaf people, their language, and their culture. Starting out young and naive I thought all students would want to learn this beautiful language. However, after time went by, I learned that wasn’t the case. About a decade into my teaching, I found that my passion for teaching was fading because students didn’t want to learn.
Can any of you relate?
I have been teaching for 20 years and recently moved to a new school in my district. I have found that the staff there inspires me to be a better teacher, to think outside of the box, and to attempt new things and fail. They are also helping me define my why. My advice to you is to align yourself with others who inspire you.
I have spent the last few years focusing on the negative and placing blame on students, parents, administration and – yes – even myself as to why I was discouraged with my job. After watching and reading Simon Sinek’s work, I realize I just need to define my why to keep myself motivated. And here is where I hope you are still with me. Know your why and you will be less frustrated. Remind yourself of your why and you will keep motivation high, creativity on the forefront of your lessons, and fear of the unknown at bay.
So again, what is my why?
So far my why is that I educate students in order to help them find their potential so they can become better humans, leaders, and creators and in turn, I can learn from them.

I truly hope we can all have this conversation and think about why we educate others. Share your why below…and if you aren’t sure now, come back after you think about it. I would love to be inspired by you.
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