A Teachers Must Do List at the End of the School Year
Wrapping up the school year is my most favorite time of the year. Why? It is a time to reflect, see the growth students have made, and prepare for next year. Yes, that last part is correct. I prepare for the next school year at the end of the year. I do this because it is so much easier when things are fresh in my mind. Let’s face it, in the fall we will all have forgotten most of what happened in the previous school year. Blame it on exhaustion or the Pina Coladas consumed on a remote island over a glorious summer vacation. Whatever it might be, don’t leave school without taking care of a few important details. You will thank me in the fall.
Let’s face it this time of year teachers are exhausted and living on coffee and little sleep and some of us have to get through June before we get the well-deserved rest we need. If you are like me, motivation tends to dwindle at the end of the school year. But what keeps me going is a well-thought-out to-do list. It keeps me focused and lets me see the light at the end of the tunnel (yes I promise there is light).
What is your must-do list at the end of the school year?
Love Your Lists
So if you are like me and love a good list, then you are in luck. I want to share with you my checkoff list for the end of the year. So, it doesn’t matter if you want to rethink warm-ups or add some movement to your classes next year, a must-do list at the end of the school year can help you with classroom organization. Just go here and download it for FREE! Leave me a note and let me know if there is anything I missed and how you used it! Enjoy and happy summer.
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