As the new school year begins, it’s crucial to start on the right foot, especially in the American Sign Language classroom. Engaging review activities can set the tone for a successful year, helping students refresh their skills, build confidence, and foster a sense of community. Whether it’s interactive games, collaborative exercises, or technology-enhanced lessons, these activities not only reinforce previous knowledge but also reignite students’ enthusiasm for learning ASL. In this post, we’ll explore 5 review ideas designed to make the transition back to school smooth and enjoyable for both students and teachers.
Idea #1: Turn Your Classroom Into a Board Game
The Turn Your Classroom Into a Board Game is not only a fun way to start off the year, but it is also educational and a great way to see what students can recall from the previous year(s) of learning. This game is played with the entire class at one time so it starts off the school year with bonding and teamwork. This game takes a bit of prep from the teacher. The game pieces need to be copied and “tokens” need to be secured. Prep is minimal and so worth it once students get into the activity. This game can last an entire class period if you want it to. While other teachers are reading their syllabus and rules to students, you can be going straight to learning and fun winning students over on day one!
Get all the board games in a bundle at a reduced price!
Idea #2: 5 Parameters of a Sign Board Game
The 5 Parameters of a Sign Board Game is another fun idea to review signs and the parameters that create them. This game is great for levels 2 and up since it requires knowledge of ASL signs in order to play. This game has less prep than the classroom board game mentioned above. It is played in small groups instead of the whole class. Students must use recall to compare signs and their similarities using the parameters that makeup ASL signs. The teacher will need to copy the board game and the deck of playing cards for each group.
Get the 5 Parameter poster to enhance learning in your classroom.
Idea #3: After Summer Partner Conversation Cards
The After Summer Partner Conversation Cards are a perfect way to start off the school year for upper-level students. These are best for ASL 3 and 4 students. This activity is communicative in nature and low-prep for the teacher. The teacher will need to copy off the QR conversation sheets and hang them around the room. Students will need a device to read the QR codes and converse with their peers. This is perfect to get students using the language on day 1!
Idea #4: All About Me Expressive Project
The All About Me Expressive Project is so versitille because you can use it for levels 2 and up to start the school year then use it for ASL 1 at the end of the school year. Students can use it as a way to introduce themselves to their classmates at the start of the year and review what they learned in their previous classes. It is a win-win activity!
Idea #5: Grammar Cubes
Grammar Cubes allow students the freedom to be creative in producing sentences by using various grammar structures. Students simply roll the already made cubes and sign. They review vocabulary and structures at the same time. Its a perfect way to start off the school year and get students right back into using ASL.
The best news about all of these activities is they can be used all year long. They are perfect to use for fun Fridays, review days, station activities, and more.
How will you start off the school year and engage studnts in the language?
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