If you are not a teacher, you just don’t understand the very common phrase among educators…There is no tired like teacher tired. This job can really take a toll on a person mentally, physically, and emotionally. Are you a stressed-out teacher? Let’s look at some of the little things you can do to help keep the stress levels low and your sanity intact.

Start a List
Starting a to-do list each day will help keep you organized. Sometimes getting things on paper will help you see that the list isn’t as bad as you think it is. Keeping a to-do list can help you compartmentalize and be more efficient. Also, checking off a completed task feels amazing. Having a visual of your accomplishments makes you feel like you can do anything. Print and use this FREE to-do list to create your daily list.
I suggest after you create your to-do list, you organize the items by priority high to low. This will help you visually see what is most dire to complete. Then once items are prioritized, you can create a plan of attack. Make the list, number them off in order of importance, and start checking them off.
When to Create Your List
I like to create my list as my first task of the day. It helps me focus and guides my day. However, if you are not a teacher who is in their classroom early in the morning, you could create your list the night before. Do this as the last task before leaving your room. I have heard once you put something on a list, it clears your headspace and reduces stress immediately. Creating the list the night before might help you not dwell on it all night.
Your list will probably grow and change as the day goes on. It will be a fluid document as things get crossed off and added. Treat your list as if your boss gave it to you to complete it. Remember, you are the boss and need to check off those tasks. You can also order an entire tablet of to-do papers on Amazon if you are a busy teacher like me.
Break Tasks Into Smaller Tasks
Sometimes a large task can seem daunting. Break it into smaller, easier to manage tasks. For example, you can grade assignments in small numbers instead of a class set at one time.
- Grade 5 assignments before school
- Grade more during your lunch break
- Squeeze a few in after school
- Input grades
Breaking the task into bite-sized chunks will relieved you of the stress of feeling like you have to get them all done at one time. Each grading session chipped away at the task until it is completed.
Delegate Tasks
Don’t be afraid to use others in your classroom to help you complete the tasks. Analyze your list and see if there is anything on the list that does not require your expertise. Could a student or a parent volunteer help with these tasks? Have a student alphabetize papers to help you input the grades quicker. Have a student sanitize the desks with a Lysol wipe while other students enter the classroom. Send someone to make those copies for you.
Students love to help. It makes them feel important and trusted. Utilize that.
Start a Power Hour
What is a Power Hour? This is a time you set aside to get things done. During this hour you set a timer and you remove all distractions from your life. This includes technology like phones, email, smartwatches, computers, and any form of media…Facebook, the TV, everything. Distractions also include your family. Give yourself an hour away from everything except the task you need to complete (from your list of course).
If you don’t have an hour try power half hours. The only difference here is the time frame.
Schedule Your Day
Set up a routine that you follow every day. I think if you stopped and thought about what you do during your workday you will find you waste a lot of time doing trivial things. I check my email every 5 – 10 minutes. I also leave Facebook open and I find I sneak a peek at it often throughout the day and then get sucked in.
If you have a schedule or a routine to follow during your day, you would only be able to check email before school starts and at lunch. This saves you tons of time to complete the tasks off your list.
I hope these tips help you save a bit of time and keep you focused during the day. Try them out and see if it helps you feel less stressed.
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