Relax? What is That?
Let’s face it. Teachers do not know how to relax. We are so excited for a long weekend or holiday just so we can catch up on grading or plan out the next month of lessons. We do this because there are fewer interruptions, no staff meetings, no students coming and going, no phone calls or emails to return.
Teaching takes 110% of your energy. It is demanding. It can drain you of motivation and energy. All the work and no rest can really take a toll on a teacher. It doesn’t matter what you or where you teach, you need to recharge your batteries.
Here are 10 ways for you to relax over any holiday break.
1. Get a Massage
Nothing is better for relaxation than to lock yourself in a dimly lit room and allow yourself to be pampered. This is very difficult for some people. However, I challenge you to give into it. There are a lot of affordable businesses that give amazing massages on the cheap. Check online reviews or ask a friend for a recommendation.
2. Read A Book
I don’t know about you, but I can’t start a book during the school year. I get way too involved. Set aside some time for yourself and start a really great, easy to read book you can escape in. Even if you have kids, find a few minutes a day to read a chapter or two. Lock yourself in the bathroom if you need to.
3. Take Naps
Nothing is better than a good nap. It doesn’t matter if it is a 15-minute snooze on the couch or a two-hour crash out, a nap is a fantastic rejuvenator. No excuses, just do it.
4. Travel
Sometimes we just need to get away from it all. It doesn’t matter if you fly to Europe or stay in a cabin an hour from your home. Travel forces us to leave work behind and see and enjoy life. All of which makes us better educators when we return home.
5. Yoga
You don’t have to be limber, flexible, or a contortionist to do yoga. There are a lot of studio classes for beginners or free videos on YouTube that you can complete in the privacy of your own house. Online videos can be 15 minutes to 1 hour in length so you have no excuse to just try it. I highly recommend Yoga with Adriane. Or if you live close to me, come practice in my garage (I am a fully certified instructor).
6. Visit Friends and Family
If you are like me you have a hard time getting away to visit people during the school year. So take vacation time to catch up with the ones you love. If possible, make the face to face connection. If you can’t, try to get in a good long chat. With technology today there really is no excuse not to make a video call.
7. Take a Walk
Getting outdoors is so important to clear your mind and give you time to think. We are trapped inside way too many hours during the workweek. Get out and breathe some fresh air to refresh your thoughts and refocus your mind.
8. Binge-Watch TV
I love watching TV and there are so many shows I LOVE to watch. But, who has time during the workweek? Take some time to sit on the couch and do nothing but watch 10 straight hours of a great series. Not a TV buff? Catch a few good movies.
9. Sleep
Go to bed at a decent hour and catch up on some ZZZZZs. There is nothing else that needs to be said on this topic. Go to sleep as soon as you have read this post.
10. Have a PJ Day
Stay in your PJs all day long. You don’t need to shower or anything. You may want to brush your teeth, but after that, just veg out. I do this while binge-watching Netflix or the Hallmark Channel.
I hope you partake in at least one of these much-needed relaxation ideas during your holiday vacation. Enjoy the time off.
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